In the frame of Theater as Resistance project workshops were important milestones and relevant ways to make sure we stay on track with the archival research and public sharing of the results. 

Resistance through theatre: was it or was it not?
December 15 2019

The first workshop was organized at the very beginning and involved representatives of all the institutions we had as partners – local theaters, library, and other stakeholders. We needed everybody at the same table in order to decide over the best methodology for the project. We drafted together the steps we need to take in order to reach the objectives of the project.

Photos by Andrei Infinit, copyright TM2021

Online workshop, testing the Toolkit
May 13 2020

The second workshop involved relevant personalities connected to all theaters in Timisoara – actors, directors, writers – with a consistent experience in the field before 1989. Even more than we hoped they proved to be repositories of significant memories which fit in the puzzle of our theme, Theater as Resistance, adding more light to what we wanted to recover from that period.


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